Dating 'N Merida! Let's Get Personal (For My Ladies)


Why are we talking about this topic? Because I am a single black woman living in a foreign country and ladies want answers. I've been single for several years, and never even entertained dating again until I moved to Merida. 

Special shout-out 
To my new subscribers, my new followers thank you for being on board with me and taking this journey with me. 
If you haven't seen my last blog and vlog, please go out and 
Check it out: Why Stay in the USA and remember to share. 

In my video we did discussed that women make up the majority of people that have moved here from USA/North America and that they are single or part of a family unit. There has also been an influx of visitors and prospective residents. Women and families have moved here for varied reasons. There is an abundance of single particularly black women that live in Merida Mexico. 

We discussed the limited access to quantity and/or quality single men in Merida. Also opening options to dating outside of y/our race or culture. When considering moving abroad has that ever crossed your mind?


We also talked about the ages of dating. A lot of my subscribers and viewers are Elder Millennials, GenX, and Boomers so the dating field or landscape looks much different as you get older. However, there is a young demographic of females that reside in Merida Mexico. What does dating look like for them? I was unable to get an interview with the woman that has date in Merida however that is forthcoming. I'm going to interview somebody and get their particular experience, perspective and the outcome of dating locally.

I have been single and abstinent for quite a some time. During this time, I have been able to develop my business, make a major comeback from homelessness, and move to not only a different city but an entirely different country. I personally don't know if I would have been able to execute my personal goals if I had a distraction in my life that required me to be responsible for their happiness and comfort.

Singlehood: An Opportunity to Heal

Since the United States of America is a very masculine country with very aggressive energy women have been affected and traumatized, plagued or discomforted not only by present issues but past issues within relationships. Individually and collectively, we have suffered at the hands of a patriarchal system and masculinity at every corner, including females who have taken on this energy (i.e., Karen's and Keisha's). 

When taking on the opportunity and the grand adventure of moving abroad I think it's imperative that you put self-care first. Take advantage of your singlehood and work on self. Living a abroad can afford you the opportunity and the environment to dig deep within yourself and heal past trauma from negative relationships and the DNA that runs through our blood from our grandmothers to our great grandmothers who had to operate and function in an masculine environment, industry, and home.

There's the issue of safety, date rape, and SA in the states. I personally believe living abroad gives you the opportunity to focus less on this subject and on so much of your energy on protecting yourself and opening your vessel so that you are approachable, which sometimes does not happen in the States because we're always focused on self-security. I also believe that living and dating abroad affords women the opportunity to find or receive the man that they deserve. 

Another caveat is having a travel partner and not particularly being focused on a long-term or serious relationship but finding someone to travel and explore this beautiful plane we where we live. 

Self-awareness and self-realization is the cherry on top! It's been difficult, and a lot of women have supported, nurtured and loved everyone else besides themselves and this type of emotion and mental support has not been reciprocated in the state as a whole. Enough is enough!

 You First Always PERIOD!

The oxygen Mass Theory is a life lesson. You must secure your own mask for oxygen to live before you can help the next person. As you go through your healing journey create a sacred place of healing of your choice, I encourage you to connect with a support group, a community of loving and strong women. 

Creating a sacred space for you, is a place where you can download and upload. It's imperative that you reach into the crevices that's where the healing roots and be convicted in being the best version of yourself that you can absolutely be.

Surround yourself with people that get you, that understand you, that can agree to disagree with love. A person, friend, or community you can learn from and grow with over time.

It's important for women to understand that you are exhausted from living in a low vibrational, masculine and very aggressive society and this energy is depleting. It's imperative to release generational trauma relationship trauma. Women are sacrificial for family, friends, career, husband, etc. and this can take a toll on you. 

Younger ladies: It is vitally important who we marry and who we decide to have children with for impacts the very existence of our well-being. Make sound decisions based on intellect and not emotional decisions that can negatively alter the course of your life.

I encourage you to reestablish broken relationships with females, with mothers, with daughters, with aunts, and nieces. 

We are now in the age of Aquarius, and Divine Feminine is Rising. 

 I'll Leave You with Some Homework!

Very Very important!

Paths of change and healing require women come to a resolute investment in soul searching deep within themselves. 

I encourage single ladies who have had issues with relationships with men, whether in the USA or abroad to check out Princella The Queen Maker. She is not for the weak at mind or the faint at heart. She brings the real deal and she shows you exactly how men think; We as women have not been taught  ... as young women or as adults .... how men think. We think they think like us... they do not check her out

LISTEN: Princella The Queen Maker Interview

Click the pic for her High Powered Podcast YouTube Channel!

Her information is in your face. If you are sensitive to strong language be warned! If you can get passed that, she is ON POINT and her interview is FULL of truth. NOW innerstand ... This will NOT be for EVERYBODY but who it's for .... it's for! 

I truly hope this message penetrates your heart space and encourages to take a chance on YOU!

Whether you are stationed in the USA or looking to visit or live abroad, relationships are most times at the forefront of our lives. Take this opportunity to focus on yourself. 

The most important, liberating, and rewarding relationship you will ever have is with yourself. 

Invest, think, write and act on your dreams!

Tia Niki


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