Why Stay in the USA? Benefits & Solutions to Help You Move Abroad!

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Why stay in the USA? If you missed My Last Video, it was a banger packed with information on how to leave the U.S. BS!

We covered reasons to leave, the benefits of relocation, and solutions on how to make your move. No matter your circumstance there is a map for you, however it does require your conviction, your intention, and your resolute. The rewards are often big when undertaking large endeavors.

Most of us are aware of the issues that we have personally when wanting to leave the United states to live a better quality of life. We're going to cover a list of general issues that plague Americans. Issues that American's face every day based on my knowledge, experience and awareness. This compiled list is also based on other individuals’ experiences. Sadly, as I wrote my list it got longer and longer however you know Tia Niki, we never stay down, we always rise up.

After this poignant list, we will move on to the benefits of country relocation and how to do it.

Valid Reasons to Consider When Deciding to Leave the U.S. BS  

Let's Go!  

  • Air pollution (air quality/chemtrails)
  • Crime (Mass Shootings/Killings)
  • Indoctrination
  • Credit and debt system
  • Politics
  • Relationless encounters and interactions including lack within family and friends.
  • The pain in our DNA from our ancestors experiencing slavery in the United States
  • The US is out of touch with the rest of the world and think that they are the best.
  • Violence particularly against women
  • Systemic racism/The racial divide
  • Poor nutrition and health system with no universal healthcare. Doctors are reactive and not proactive.
  • The price of food and homes. 
  • The average citizen is surviving and not living. Living paycheck to paycheck and homelessness is one check away.
  • The work, eat, sleep, repeat routine.
  • Extreme poverty & homelessness
  • Celebrity worshipping
  • Policing or lack thereof
  • Over sexualization of teens and young women
  • No strong role models other than the entertainment industry
  • The glass ceiling with sports or being a star the pinnacle of success
  • Local government all the way to federal government non-accountability 
  • The isms: racism, ageism, colorism, classism, sexism.
  • Repetitive movies of our culture: slave narrative or crime syndicate narrative.
  • Low vibrational energy due to the violence and food
  • Fear mongering
  • Media and news
  • Lack of civil compassion and empathy
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Prison industrial complex

Universally, the US is known for the 3m's money movies and music. It's interesting to listen to what other countries think of the "United" States without bias. Opinions vary however there are certain themes that cannot be ignored or dismantled

I personally think that the items in the above list are crimes against humanity

****Now let's excitingly, move on to the benefits of relocating to a place that will give you the solitude and the level of lifestyle that you desire, require, and deserve

  • First and foremost a minimum wage is a living wage in most countries dollar power. 
  • Living instead of surviving
  • Better health and nutrition options
  • Cleaner air
  • Better government policies that watch out for the people
  • Under sexualized towards young adults and teens
  • Until an emotional clarity and overall health improvement
  • Warmer weather
  • Nicer and kinder of people
  • Low to no violence no mass killings or shootings
  • No isms 
  • A place to reset and emotionally or psychologically heal.
  • A chance to credit reset and get your finances in order.
  • An opportunity to find your tribe or friends from different areas of the world.
  • Freedom of expression
  • An opportunity to reconnect with nature.
  • No fear/feeling safe.
  • Work life balance
  • Affordable living
  • Aesthetically beautiful no more brown, beige, and gray buildings. Living in a colorful environment.
  • Time to exhale, decompress and grow.
  • Good food healthy vegetables and fruit
  • Peace of mind
  • New culture to explore.
  • Possible travel since your dollars are stretching further.
  • Great healthcare system and doctors
  • Available services (such as doctors’ visits, pharmacy, Rappi and DiDi delivery in Mérida)
  • Feeling accepted and embraced
  • High vibrational locations: good people, good food, good nature, makes a good you!

  • #1 invest in yourself, and your future is never too late.
  • #2 to heal thyself take steps towards healing your past pains and focusing on the NOW.
  • #3 validate your self-worth.
  • #4 acknowledge your fears and take their power away!
  • #5 conviction on what you truly want and using your strengths. 
  • Next procreate empathy and self-compassion it is very essential to validating your self-worth.
  • Deal with family matters face to face and handle them with your best self in mind.
  • DECIDE. You must make a decision so that the universe can support your vision and supply your needs.
  • Lastly, Take Action! Think, write, act. Plan your future and taking control of your destiny.
***Change is inevitable, you can choose your route so choose wisely.***

Activity Based Solutions
  • Classes 
  • Courses
  • Consultations
  • Take advantage of YouTube University free and open 24/7
  • Partner with others
  • Find, create, or develop a niche.’
  • Continue working your present job or retain or obtain an online job; remember a minimum wage equal a living wage abroad.
  • Save and invest money.
  • Take a chance which equals a change.
  • Join groups that support your niche or personal goals!
  • Take your time and plan your purpose.
  • And finally stay motivated, connected, and inspired.

Take action towards your goals!

This information will help you move to your next level in life. You can indeed do it, however sometimes you need a road map, tools, resources, or guidance to help you along your way. My Cut The Cord Course: A Guide on How to Leave the U.S. BS can help you navigate through some of the above-mentioned challenges, benefits and solutions.

If you desire change, the journey is in your hands. Trust yourself to make the best decision for the life changing experience that you envision. You deserve to live the best version of you and if you're not experiencing it where you are, there indeed is a place for you.

Remember I'm always here if you need a consultation, please visit me and invest in yourself by taking the course, it'll help you to navigate through to your desired outcome. 

Until next time.

w/love Tia Niki


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